Lucca Comics & Games 2024

Disponibile la nuova App


Tornano i Riot Play Club

Riot Games annuncia il ritorno dei Riot Play Club, da quest’anno brand internazionale


Star Wars a Torino

Le truppe Imperiali hanno "invaso" il centro


PLAY Videogame arte e oltre

Presso la Reggia di Venaria dal 22 luglio 2022 al 15 gennaio 2023 videogiochi e arte in mostra.


Laboratorio Comunicazione, aka LabCom,
is an integrated communication agency developed through 15 years of successful cross-agency collaborations and bound together by passion, dedication, and deep knowledge of the multiverse of communication.

LabCom today can provide its clients with a very compelling offer via a single point of contact.

I skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been.

Wayne Gretzky #99